Author Archives: kaygemba

Hello and Welcome!

Thank you for stopping by my website.

My name is Kai, and I am an Associate Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School.

I am interested in:
– using transiting surface ships as sources of opportunity for the purpose of array and environmental parameter characterization
– acoustic signal and array processing in the presence of environmental noise and uncertainty

In my free time, I enjoy to backpack and to sail.

Contact Information:
Email: kay.gemba[@]
Office: (831) 656-2855
Last Updated:  Nov. 20th, 2021

Quote of the moment (Press F5 to refresh):

You have been given a concept by most of the teachers that there is darkness, and that you have to spend your whole life clearing this darkness. No one speaks about light; everyone is trying to remove darkness and ignorance when it does not really exist.

First of all, look for yourself! Has anyone seen any ignorance? Sometimes when people who come to see me come closer to keeping quiet they say, “I do not understand.” What is there to understand? Simply keep quiet – this is what you really are. How can there be any doubt? In keeping quiet you discover what you really are.

Through spiritual practices you overlook the one who is causing this to happen. Who is involving your limbs in the practice, your intellect in the practice? Who is causing your mind to be involved in trying to get understanding? If the one causing activity is not there you cannot conduct any practice. This is why I tell you to simply keep quiet. Then you will know what you truly are and what you have always been, and this is indestructible. All else will be destroyed, only Existence itself remains. The Truth will always remain – it Is – it is eternal. That which is not this truth does not exist at all.

You have two choices: Either you follow most teachers and spend your life trying to remove or clean out the mind. First you will have to find out if the mind exists. No one has seen the mind. Even if you found it, how do you propose to clean it? Everyone is practicing cleaning the mind but there is no one so far who has cleaned it. Where is this mind to be cleaned?

The second choice is to keep quiet and you will know who really you are. This is very simple. It is not going to take you time; in fact time does not appear. There is nothing outside that can help you, you have just to keep quiet – that’s all – and you will know then you are eternal. You are Eternal Existence itself.
