Hello and Welcome!

Thank you for stopping by my website.

My name is Kai, and I am an Associate Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School.

I am interested in:
– using transiting surface ships as sources of opportunity for the purpose of array and environmental parameter characterization
– acoustic signal and array processing in the presence of environmental noise and uncertainty

In my free time, I enjoy to backpack and to sail.

Contact Information:
Email: kay.gemba[@]nps.edu
Office: (831) 656-2855
Last Updated:  Nov. 20th, 2021

Quote of the moment (Press F5 to refresh):

The man of perfection is one who can move through all these seven chakras easily — that is the man of freedom — who is not fixed at any point, who is like a dial: you can adjust it to any vision. That is what is called a mukta, one who is really free. He can move in all the dimensions and yet remain untouched by them. His purity is never lost, his purity remains of the transcendental.
Buddha can come and touch your body and heal your body. He can become a body, but that is his freedom. He can become a mind and he can talk to you and explain things to you, but he is never the mind. He comes and stands behind the mind, uses it, just as you drive your car — you never become the car. He uses all these rungs, he is the whole ladder. But his ultimate standpoint remains the transcendental. That is his nature.

Master Osho